Thursday, January 15, 2009

Plaxico Linked to '05 Shooting?

Authorities in New York are looking for a match between bullets fired from the back of a truck that Plaxico Burress rented in 2005 and the guns seized from his house.

Apparently Plax's truck got stuck behind a Garbage truck in the Bronx and a shooting occurred (did they shoot up the back of the truck? Was it a road rage incident? Who knows, I'm not finding any specifics.) Anyway, the driver and a passenger fled on foot when the cops arrived, but two other passengers - both with criminal records - were arrested.

Plaxico claims that he lent the truck to his cousin that day and had no knowledge of the shooting. Well in that case he seems completely innocent in this whole situation. PSYCHE! This clearly isn't as bad as Michael Vick bodyslamming dogs to death or Pacman Jones ordering hits on people, but even if he wasn't present at the shooting (which he may well have been, two of the occupants of the car did manage to escape) and even if he had no knowledge of it until the police arrived he's still complicit. He gave the thugs the car, and if the authorities can match the bullets then he gave them the guns too. That's a really big deal.

Plax should have been smarter from the start. Don't associate yourself with thugs, especially when merely knowing them could land you in trouble with the fuzz. I don't care if they're childhood friends from the old hood, or if they're family or if they make you feel like a tough guy. You have everything to lose and shady characters like these are just going to ride your coat tails, mooch off your success and ultimately get you in trouble with their criminal acts. Even if you had no prior knowledge and weren't present you're still enabling their lifestyle, and they're eventually going to bring you down.

Incidently, the truck was the rental car that Plax was recently litigating over. Apprently the damages Plax had to pay for were incurred when the Police were impounding the vehicle.

This guy is just cocky and acts like he's above the law. He doesn't respect his coaches, his teammates, the NFL or the legal system. At first I was rooting for him, hoping the courts went easy on him for shooting himself in the leg, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe a few years in prison will humble him. Although if he does go to prison his football career will likely be over. A manditory 3.5 year sentence means that he'd be at least 35 when he got out. Likely too old to resume his career, especially after missing about 4 seasons.

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