Saturday, December 6, 2008

Speaking of Upstate NY Football Coaches...

Turner Gill coached his University of Buffalo team to a 42-24 win over 12th ranked Ball State, clinching the Mid-American Conference title and a bowl bid. Gill has done a great job bringing a perennial NCAA doormat to prominence. Is it possible he could do the same for SU?

Well, SU Athletic Director Darryl Gross is searching for Greg Robinson's successor and has brought Gill - amongst others - in to interview for the position. Several names have been thrown into the ring for the Syracuse post, including at one time Lane Kiffin, but the one name that always seems to make the most sense is Turner Gill. He has the upstate New York ties in terms of recruiting and he's obviously successful at building a team from the ground up.

The SU job is an improvement over Gill's post at Buffalo, but you have to wonder if he'd be willing to leave a successful team for a fixer-upper. Ultimately, I think it would be a good move for him. If he succeeds then everyone will see him as a savior and he'll cement his position as a coaching star. If he fails then most of the blame is going to be deflected to the Syracuse program. "First Robinson, the Gill...This program is unfixable!" Sounds like a win/win to me!

Coach Gill looks great in Buffalo Blue, but I think he'd look even better in Syracuse Orange!

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