Sunday, April 5, 2009

Throw the Book at Burress

It has been suggested recently by some sportswriters that Plaxico Burress will be able to plea to a lesser charge in his gun case, thereby limiting his prison time and/or avoid jail entirely. All I have to say is that's ridiculous and the courts should throw the book at him if (or rather when) he's convicted. I will consider it an abortion of justice if Burress isn't sentenced to at least 3 years in jail.

It's very clear that this player just doesn't get it. His narcissism and complete disregard for any and all authority is the mark of a sociopath. It's recently been made public that he repeatedly swore at and disrespected a police officer who pulled him over for reckless driving. Burress is an unrepentent jerk. The only thing seperating him from your garden variety thug is his multi-million dollar NFL contract (or, rather ex-contract.) If he dodges jail time it's only going to embolden him. He's only going to feel more invincible, and the next time his gun accidently goes off in a club it might kill him - or worse, kill an innocent bystander.

This guy whines like Terrel Owens on the gridiron and lives like Pacman Jones off it. Send him to prison for his own good.

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